
  1. Noun.  Agent noun of slide; one who slides.
  2. Noun.  (baseball) A pitch thrown with added pressure by middle and ring fingers yielding a combination of backspin and sidespin, resulting in a motion to the left when thrown by a right handed pitcher.
  3. Noun.  (cricket) A similar delivery in which the wrist and ring finger work to impart backspin to the ball.
  4. Noun.  A small hamburger.
  5. Noun.  (curling) A piece of teflon or similar material attached to a curling shoe that allows the player to slide along the ice.
  6. Noun.  (GUI) A widget allowing the user to select a value or position on a sliding scale.

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.