
  1. Noun.  (informal, chiefly) A raccoon.
  2. Noun.  (context, racial slur) A black person.
  3. Noun.  (informal, South Africa) A person who is a member of a colourfully dressed dancing troupe in Cape Town during New Year celebrations.
  4. Noun.  A coonass.
  5. Verb.  (context, Southern US) To hunt racoons.
  6. Verb.  (context, Southern US) To crawl while straddling, especially in crossing a creek.
  7. Verb.  (context, Georgia) To fish by noodling, by feeling for large fish in underwater holes.
  8. Verb.  (African American Vernacular English) For an African American, to play the dated stereotype of a black fool for an audience, particularly including Caucasians.
  9. Verb.  (context, Southern US) To steal.

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.