
  1. Noun.  A large, naturally-occurring cavity formed underground, or in the face of a cliff or a hillside.
  2. Noun.  A hole, depression, or gap in earth or rock, whether natural or man-made.
  3. Noun.  A storage cellar, especially for wine or cheese.
  4. Noun.  A place of retreat, such as a man cave.
  5. Noun.  (caving) A naturally-occurring cavity in bedrock which is large enough to be entered by an adult.
  6. Noun.  (nuclear physics) A shielded area where nuclear experiments can be carried out.
  7. Noun.  (context, drilling) Debris, particularly broken rock, which falls into a drill hole and interferes with drilling.
  8. Noun.  (mining) A collapse or cave-in.
  9. Noun.  (figuratively, also) The vagina.
  10. Noun.  (slang, politics) A group that breaks from a larger political party or faction on a particular issue.
  11. Verb.  To surrender.
  12. Verb.  To collapse.
  13. Verb.  To hollow out or undermine.
  14. Verb.  To engage in the recreational exploration of caves; to spelunk.
  15. Verb.  (mining) In room-and-pillar mining, to extract a deposit of rock by breaking down a pillar which had been holding it in place.
  16. Verb.  (mining, obsolete) To work over tailings to dress small pieces of marketable ore.
  17. Interjection.  (British, public school slang) look out!; beware!.

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.