
  1. Noun.  A projectile, usually of metal, shot from a gun at high speed.
  2. Noun.  Ammunition for a sling or slingshot which has been manufactured for such use.
  3. Noun.  (typography) A printed symbol in the form of a solid circle, (), often used for marking items in a list. (see also bulleted).
  4. Noun.  (informal) An entire round of unfired ammunition for a firearm, including the projectile, the cartridge casing, the explosive charge, etc.
  5. Noun.  (banking, finance) A large scheduled repayment of the principal of a loan; a balloon payment.
  6. Noun.  A rejection letter, as for employment, admission to a school or a competition.
  7. Noun.  (slang) One year of prison time.
  8. Noun.  (slang) An ace (the playing card).
  9. Noun.  (figuratively) Anything that is projected extremely fast.
  10. Noun.  (context, in attributive use) Very fast (gloss, speedy) .
  11. Verb.  (transitive, informal) To draw attention to (text) by, or as if by, placing a graphic bullet in front of it.
  12. Verb.  (intransitive, informal) To speed, like a bullet.
  13. Verb.  (transitive, informal) To make a shot, especially with great speed.

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.