
  1. (initialism) .  (legal) Reasonable and nondiscriminatory; a standard used with respect to licensing.
  2. Proper noun.  (South Africa) The Witwatersrand, a gold-mining geographic area also known as the Reef in the province of Gauteng, South Africa, of which the principal city is Johannesburg.
  3. Proper noun.  (surname) .
  4. Noun.  (context, obsolete except in dialects) the border of an area of land, especially marsh-land.
  5. Noun.  (context, obsolete except in dialects) a strip of meat.
  6. Noun.  a strip of leather used to fit the heels of a shoe.
  7. Noun.  (context, basket-making) a single rod woven in and out of the stakes.
  8. Noun.  a rocky slope, especially the area over a river valley; specifically, the Rand.
  9. Noun.  The currency of South Africa, divided into 100 cents.

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.