
  1. Adjective.  (context, now) Flat, level. (defdate, from 14th c.) .
  2. Adjective.  Ordinary; lacking adornment or ornamentation; unembellished. (defdate, from 14th c.) .
  3. Adjective.  Evident to one's senses or reason; manifest, obvious, clear, unmistakable. (defdate, from 14th c.) .
  4. Adjective.  Downright; total, unmistakable (as intensifier). (defdate, from 14th c.) .
  5. Adjective.  Honest and without deception; candid, open; blunt. (defdate, from 14th c.) .
  6. Adjective.  Simple in habits or qualities; unsophisticated, not exceptional, ordinary. (defdate, from 16th c.) .
  7. Adjective.  Not unusually beautiful; unattractive. (defdate, from 17th c.) .
  8. Adjective.  (context, of food) Having only few ingredients, or no additional ingredients or seasonings; not elaborate, without toppings or extras. (defdate, from 17th c.) .
  9. Adjective.  (computing) Containing no extended or nonprinting characters (especially in (term, plain text) ). (defdate, from 20th c.) .
  10. Adverb.  (colloquial) Simply.
  11. Verb.  (context, now) To lament, bewail.
  12. Noun.  An expanse of land with relatively low relief.
  13. Noun.  (obsolete) A plane.

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.