
  1. Proper noun.  (Roman god) The Roman goddess of victory; equivalent to the Greek goddess Nike.
  2. Proper noun.  (given name, female) .
  3. Proper noun.  A monarch named Queen Victoria, especially Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom (reigned 1837-1901).
  4. Proper noun.  One of the six states of Australia, situated in the south-eastern part of the continent, with its capital at Melbourne.
  5. Proper noun.  (historical, Australia) The British colony in what is now the Australian state of Victoria.
  6. Proper noun.  The capital of Seychelles.
  7. Proper noun.  Provincial capital of British Columbia (Canada).
  8. Proper noun.  Main town of the federal territory of Labuan (Malaysia).
  9. Proper noun.  Lake Victoria, the largest lake in Africa.
  10. Proper noun.  (astronomy) (w, 12 Victoria) , an asteroid.
  11. Noun.  A type of carriage.

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.