
  1. Noun.  The BGM-109 Tomahawk Land Attack Missile (TLAM), a long-range, all-weather, subsonic cruise missile with stubby wings, which can be launched from a ship or submarine.
  2. Noun.  An ax/axe used by American Indian (First Nations) warriors.
  3. Noun.  (basketball) : A dunk in which the person dunking the ball does so with his arm behind his head.
  4. Noun.  (geometry) A geometric construction consisting of a semicircle and two line segments that serves as a tool for trisecting an angle; so called from its resemblance to the American Indian axe.
  5. Noun.  (field hockey) A field hockey shot style that involves a player turning their hockey stick upside-down and swinging it so that its inside edge will come into contact with the ball.
  6. Verb.  to strike with a tomahawk.

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.