
  1. Noun.  A coarse, reddish-brown, homespun fabric.
  2. Noun.  Country dress; homespun cloth.
  3. Noun.  A reddish-brown color.
  4. Noun.  Variety of apple of russet-colored, rough skin.
  5. Noun.  Variety of potato with dark gray-brown, rough skin.
  6. Adjective.  Having a reddish-brown color.
  7. Adjective.  Gray or ash-colored (antiquated usage).
  8. Adjective.  Rustic, homespun, coarse, plain.
  9. Adjective.  "Condition of leather when it is finished, excepting the operations of coloring and polishing the surface." (From 1880s British/American dictionary.).

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.