
  1. Proper noun.  A male given name, pet form of Rocco.
  2. Proper noun.  Rocky Balboa, a fictional boxer played by Sylvester Stallone in a series of films.
  3. Proper noun.  The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
  4. Proper noun.  (informal, Australia) The town of Rockhampton in Queensland.
  5. Adjective.  Unstable; easily rocked.
  6. Adjective.  In the style of rock and roll music.
  7. Adjective.  (figuratively) Troubled; or difficult; in danger or distress.
  8. Adjective.  Full of, or abounding in, rocks; consisting of rocks.
  9. Adjective.  Like a rock.
  10. Adjective.  (figuratively) Not easily impressed or affected; hard; unfeeling; obdurate; as, a rocky bosom.

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.