
  1. Noun.  (nautical) A pontoon; a narrow shallow boat propelled by a pole.
  2. Verb.  (nautical) To propel a punt or similar craft by means of a pole.
  3. Verb.  (rugby, American football) To kick a ball dropped from the hands before it hits the ground.
  4. Verb.  (soccer) To kick a bouncing ball far and high.
  5. Verb.  To retreat from one's objective.
  6. Noun.  (rugby, American football) A kick made by a player who drops the ball and kicks it before it hits the ground. Contrast drop kick.
  7. Noun.  A point in the game of faro.
  8. Noun.  A bet or wager.
  9. Noun.  An indentation in the base of a wine bottle.
  10. Noun.  (context, glassblowing) A thin glass rod which is temporarily attached to a larger piece in order to better manipulate the larger piece.
  11. Verb.  (British, chiefly) To stake against the bank, to back a horse, to gamble or take a chance more generally.
  12. Verb.  (figuratively) To make a highly speculative investment or other commitment, or take a wild guess.

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.