
  1. Noun.  The act or result of pulling back; a withdrawal.
  2. Noun.  That which holds back, or causes to recede; a drawback; a hindrance.
  3. Noun.  (architecture) The iron hook fixed to a casement to pull it shut, or to hold it partly open at a fixed point.
  4. Noun.  (finance) A reduction in the price of a financial instrument after reaching a peak.
  5. Noun.  (category theory) Given a pair of arrows f:Y ightarrow X and g: Z ightarrow X with a common codomain, ''X'', their '''pullback''' is a pair of arrows u:P ightarrow Y and v:P ightarrow Z with common domain, ''P'', such that the equation fcirc u = gcirc v is satisfied, and for which there is the ''universal property'' that for any other object ''W'' for which there are also arrows m: W ightarrow Y, n: W ightarrow Z; there is a unique arrow k: W ightarrow P such that ucirc k = m and vcirc k = n.

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.