
  1. Noun.  A small hole or perforation, caused by piercing. (defdate, from 10th c.) .
  2. Noun.  An indentation or small mark made with a pointed object. (defdate, from 10th c.) .
  3. Noun.  (obsolete) A dot or other diacritical mark used in writing; a point. (defdate, 10th-18th c.) .
  4. Noun.  (obsolete) A tiny particle; a small amount of something; a jot. (defdate, 10th-18th c.) .
  5. Noun.  A small pointed object. (defdate, from 10th c.) .
  6. Noun.  The experience or feeling of being pierced or punctured by a small, sharp object. (defdate, from 13th c.) .
  7. Noun.  (slang, vulgar) The penis. (defdate, from 16th c.) .
  8. Noun.  (slang, pejorative) Someone (especially a man or boy) who is unpleasant, rude or annoying. (defdate, from 16th c.) .
  9. Noun.  (context, now) A small roll of yarn or tobacco. (defdate, from 17th c.) .
  10. Verb.  (transitive) To pierce or puncture.
  11. Verb.  (transitive, figuratively) To urge, to spur, to goad, to incite.
  12. Verb.  (nautical, obsolete) To trace a ship’s course on a chart.
  13. Verb.  (nautical, obsolete) To run a middle seam through the cloth of a sail. (The Universal Dictionary of the English Language, 1896).

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.