
  1. Noun.  (legal) A statement made on oath by a jury. (defdate, from 15th c.) .
  2. Noun.  (context, ecclesiastical law) A formal complaint submitted to a bishop or archdeacon. (defdate, from 16th c.) .
  3. Noun.  The act of presenting something for acceptance; now specifically, presenting something (eg a bill or cheque) for payment. (defdate, from 16th c.) .
  4. Noun.  (context, now) An artistic representation; a picture. (defdate, from 16th c.) .
  5. Noun.  Presentation of a performance, as of a play or work of music. (defdate, from 17th c.) .
  6. Noun.  (context, now) The aspect or form in which something presents itself; appearance. (defdate, from 17th c.) .

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.