
  1. Adjective.  (historical) Existing in Ancient Greece before the flourishing of the philosopher Socrates (''circa'' 469–399 BC).
  2. Noun.  (historical) Any one of the pre-Socratic philosophers, ''viz.'' Thales (''circa'' 624–546 BC), Anaximander (''circa'' 610–546 BC), Anaximenes (''circa'' 585–525 BC), Pythagoras (''circa'' 576–495 BC), Xenophanes (''circa'' 570–480 BC), Heraclitus (''circa'' 535–475 BC), Parmenides (early-5th century BC), Anaxagoras (''circa'' 500–428 BC), Empedocles (''circa'' 490–430 BC), and Democritus (''circa'' 460–370 BC).

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.