
  1. (abbreviation) .  Pennsylvania, a state of the United States of America.
  2. (abbreviation) .  Papua, a province of Indonesia.
  3. (abbreviation) .  ParĂ¡, a state of Brazil.
  4. (abbreviation) .  Palestinian Authority.
  5. (initialism) .  public address system.
  6. (initialism) .  personal assistant.
  7. (initialism) .  Power Amplifier.
  8. (initialism) .  Prince Albert (qualifier, piercing) .
  9. (initialism) .  Public Accountant.
  10. (initialism) .  (legal) Public Act.
  11. (initialism) .  Physician's Assistant.
  12. (initialism) .  'per annum'' (i.e. interest).
  13. (initialism) .  (organic compounds) polyamide.
  14. Noun.  (informal, in direct address) Father, dad, papa.
  15. Noun.  A short form of grandpa, grandfather.
  16. Noun.  (colloquial) Father, papa.
  17. Noun.  A short form of grandpa, grandfather.
  18. Noun.  A Maori fort..

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.