
  1. Proper noun.  an extinct language, once spoken by the Goths.
  2. Adjective.  of or relating to the Goths.
  3. Adjective.  barbarous, rude, unpolished, belonging to the "Dark Ages", medieval as opposed to classical.
  4. Adjective.  of or relating to the architectural style favored in western Europe in the 12th to 16th centuries.
  5. Adjective.  of or relating to the style of fictional writing associated with the Gothic revival, emphasizing violent or macabre events in a mysterious, desolate setting.
  6. Adjective.  (typography) in England, of the name of type formerly used to print German, also known as ''black letter''.
  7. Adjective.  (typography) in the USA, of a sans serif typeface using straight, even-width lines, also called grotesque.
  8. Adjective.  of or relating to the goth subculture or lifestyle.
  9. Noun.  A novel written in the Gothic style.
  10. Adjective.  (alternative capitalisation of, Gothic) .

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.