
  1. Letter.  (Latn-def, en) .
  2. Number.  (Latn-def, en) .
  3. (abbreviation) .  female.
  4. (abbreviation) .  A musical note.
  5. (abbreviation) .  Friday.
  6. (abbreviation) .  father.
  7. (abbreviation) .  forever.
  8. (abbreviation) .  (stock symbol) Ford Motor Company.
  9. (abbreviation) .  False.
  10. (abbreviation) .  Euphemism for fuck.
  11. Noun.  A failing grade in a class or course. The next best grade is a D. Some institutions issue Es instead of Fs.
  12. Noun.  American Library Association (abbreviation) for folio-sized books, over 30 cm in height.
  13. Letter.  (Latn-def, en) .
  14. Number.  (Latn-def, en) .
  15. Symbol.  (music) The name of the fourth tone of the model scale, or scale of C. F sharp (F♯) is a tone intermediate between F and G.
  16. (abbreviation) .  (printing) Folio, paper and book size (10"-12.5" x 15"-20").
  17. (abbreviation) .  (euphemistic) fuck.
  18. (abbreviation) .  (alternative form of, f.) .

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.