
  1. Letter.  (Latn-def, en) .
  2. Number.  (Latn-def, en) .
  3. (abbreviation) .  Defense.
  4. (abbreviation) .  (context, US politics) Democrat, especially preceding the constituent location.
  5. (abbreviation) .  Divorced.
  6. (abbreviation) .  Down (direction).
  7. (abbreviation) .  Drive, the setting of an automatic transmission.
  8. (abbreviation) .  (context, printing) Duodecimo, as adopted by the American Library Association.
  9. (abbreviation) .  Dutch language.
  10. (abbreviation) .  (context, with “The”) The City of Detroit.
  11. Noun.  (snooker) The semicircle on the baulk line, inside which the cue ball must be placed at a break-off.
  12. Noun.  a grade awarded for a class, better than outright failure (which can be F or E depending on the institution) and worse than a C.
  13. Letter.  (Latn-def, en) .
  14. Number.  (Latn-def, en) .
  15. (abbreviation) .  died, death.
  16. (abbreviation) .  (cricket) declared; also abbreviated as (term, dec) .
  17. Symbol.  (context, until February 1971) a British penny; an old penny (the modern decimal penny being abbreviated (term, p) ).
  18. Symbol.  (games, infix) dice to use in a diceroll.
  19. Symbol.  penny, a measure of the size of nails.

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.