
  1. Noun.  dirt, filth or refuse.
  2. Noun.  (figuratively, by extension) Something of poor quality.
  3. Noun.  Mixed impurities, especially corrosion products in nuclear reactor fuel.
  4. Noun.  A heavy wet snow on which it is difficult to ski.
  5. Noun.  (euphemistic) Crap, excrement.
  6. Noun.  A contemptible person.
  7. Noun.  (slang, US) venereal disease, or (later) any disease.
  8. Noun.  A fast-paced game, loosely based on billiards or pool, with many players participating at the same time.
  9. Interjection.  (non-gloss definition, Non-vulgar interjection expressing annoyance, anxiety, etc.; sugar, damn.) .

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.