
  1. Verb.  (intransitive, of an object) To join (to another object): to attach, or to be intended to attach or capable of attaching, to another object.
  2. Verb.  (intransitive, of two objects) To join: to attach, or to be intended to attach or capable of attaching, to each other.
  3. Verb.  (transitive, of an object) To join (two other objects), or to join (one object) to (another object): to be a link between two objects, thereby attaching them to each other.
  4. Verb.  (transitive, of a person) To join (two other objects), or to join (one object) to (another object): to take one object and attach it to another.
  5. Verb.  To join an electrical or telephone line to a circuit or network.
  6. Verb.  To associate.
  7. Verb.  To make a travel connection; to switch from one means of transport to another as part of the same trip.

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.