
  1. Noun.  (historical) A ship of burden, or war with a round, bulky hull.
  2. Noun.  A tooth on a gear.
  3. Noun.  A gear; a cogwheel.
  4. Noun.  A unimportant individual in a greater system.
  5. Noun.  (carpentry) A projection or tenon at the end of a beam designed to fit into a matching opening of another piece of wood to form a joint.
  6. Noun.  An act of cogging.
  7. Verb.  to cheat at dice.
  8. Verb.  to cheat; to play or gamble fraudulently.
  9. Noun.  A small fishing boat.

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.