
  1. (acronym) .  (electronics, computing) read-only memory.
  2. (acronym) .  (video games) A software image of read-only memory (as of a game cartridge) used in emulation.
  3. (acronym) .  (medical) Range of Motion.
  4. (acronym) .  (finance) Return on Margin.
  5. (acronym) .  (context, estimating and purchasing) Rough order of magnitude. An informal cost or price estimate provided for planning and budgeting purposes only, typically expected to be only 75% accurate. .
  6. Proper noun.  The ethnic designation used by the Romani people from Eastern Europe.
  7. Noun.  A male member of the Romani people, who is married and considered respectable amongst the family.

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.