
  1. Proper noun.  (politics) A member or supporter of a Liberal Party.
  2. Proper noun.  (Canada) A member or supporter of the Liberal Party of Canada, or its predecessors, or provincial equivalents, or their predecessors.
  3. Proper noun.  (British) A Liberal Democrat.
  4. Proper noun.  (British, dated) A Whig.
  5. Adjective.  Of or relating to the Liberal party, its membership, or its platform, policy, or viewpoint.
  6. Adjective.  Generous, in great amount, a large proportion.
  7. Adjective.  (context, now) Pertaining to those arts and sciences whose study was considered "worthy of a free man" (as opposed to (term, servile) , (term, mechanical) ); worthy, befitting a gentleman.
  8. Adjective.  Generous, bountiful.
  9. Adjective.  Generous in quantity, abundant.
  10. Adjective.  (obsolete) Unrestrained, licentious.
  11. Adjective.  Free from prejudice or narrow-mindedness; open-minded, open to new ideas, willing to depart from established opinions, conventions etc.; permissive.
  12. Adjective.  (politics) Open to political or social changes and reforms in favour of increased freedom or democracy.
  13. Noun.  One with liberal views, supporting individual liberty (see Wikipedia on Liberalism for a description of the various and diverging trends of liberalism).
  14. Noun.  A supporter of any of the particular liberal parties.
  15. Noun.  (US) One on the left-wing of the American political spectrum. Sometimes used pejoratively in political campaigns.
  16. Noun.  (italbrac, US) A person who favors individual voting rights, human and civil rights, individual gun rights, laissez-faire markets, and the gold standard.

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.