
  1. Proper noun.  (given name, female) .
  2. Proper noun.  Generic use for any female (as Sheila in Australian English), especially paired (since the 15th c., compare Ienken and Iulyan) with the male Jack.
  3. Proper noun.  A young woman; a sweetheart; like the variant spelling Gill it was also associated with various assertive uses of the term flirt, as in ''flirtgigg'' (used by William Shakespeare for a 'woman of light or loose behavior').
  4. Proper noun.  A man's right hand; (non-gloss definition, usually used in allusion to masturbation) .
  5. Proper noun.  A jillstrap: the female counterpart to a jockstrap.
  6. Verb.  (context, coarse) To masturbate.
  7. Noun.  A female rabbit. Sometimes also used to describe a female ferret, weasel, or wombat.

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.